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3 posters

    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .


    Posts : 180
    Join date : 2010-01-27

    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application . Empty Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .

    Post by Moosey Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:09 am

    Well I have posted my Mod application, I got it . Now I'm part of Staff . Why I want upgrade ? Because my life is problems, I solve all of them , That's why I want to solve Problems of Reborn - Shadow . Also as Head-Mod/Admin there will be much more commands, Wich means much more help to give .

    Other :
    Red - Question .
    Blue - Answer .
    Green - Other .

    1.Your name on server - Still Moosey .

    2. Why do you want to be a Head Mod ? - Because, I have been a normal Mod for a week on Reborn - Shadow and got some experience, now I'm ready for my new missoin . Also I'm very active and helpful . My point is to stop the rule breakers such like : Spammers, Noclippers, X-loggers and other Rule Brekers . I will always Explain newcomers the rules, Guide how to start off and much more . As Head-Mod I will watch for the normal Mods, for their action what they do and give them some tips .

    3. What have you done on reborn shadow to make it better? - Already warned lots of Rule Breakers, Banned Abuser after 6 warnings . Q. Why 6 ? A. - He was newcomer and I hoped he'll understand the rules, but he didn't so I had to do this .

    4. What can you do with Mod/Admin powers? - With Head Mod powers I can make the server be best place for Players, Staff . I never Abuse my Powers, like most of Staff do this on other servers . Also I can help Players who got Stuck, Nulled or/and Stuck . If someone is abusing rules It wont take me long time to make an Action

    5. Have you ever been Mod or Admin on any other servers? - Yer, I'm a part of Staff on Reborn-Shadow ^^ .

    6. If you have, Name their IP to their server, or give their MSN of the server owners: I don't know em atm . :O

    7. Who would recommend you to become a mod/Admin, post their name(s) here. - Well I guess Azure did . ( Didn't ? ) Smile

    8. Have you ever broken a rule? - Yes, I've ran through wall by Mistake .
    9. If you have state it here (or skip step if you haven't). - Look above ^^
    10.How many hours are you on a day? - For 5 Hours, Weekends 7 Hours +

    11. Will you be active on my forums? - Always was And will be .

    12. Please state your msn/aim/ or yahoo messanger so i can talk to you - It's still

    13. What you can do as a Mod/Admin? (2 paragraphs or more thats 8 sentences+) - When player sees Staff Member, he feel safe, because no one around will break the rule . As Head-Mod/Admin I will have much more commands to use wich means much more help to give . I want to help Club Shadow, stop the rulebreakers and make them folow the rules . If most of staffs will be offline, I wont . Help newbies and others who need help . Ofcourse I won't abuse my powers . As STAFF before I will give Warning/Kick/Mute/Ban I'll report the rule breaker to OWNER or consultate with other Staff What we'll do with him . I'm always calm when someone hates me or swearing in front of my face . I can also help in situations . I will be always friendly with all, keep the server nice and always respect other staff members and normal players . I don't judge players if they don't know how to do something.. I tell them all what they need to know .

    14. Do you own a server or owned one? - No, My coding fails .

    15. If you have put ip here -

    16. How old are you? - 15 ( Fiveteen )

    17. How long have you been playing the server for? - As Staff member - One week . Overall : Two weeks 4 Days .

    18. Have you met the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for Head-Mod/Admin? Yes Sir !

    Supporters : Azure . (Thanks bro), hotranger02 ( A nice friend . Razz ) Chris 0wnz . ( Ty, ty, ty your my third supporter . )

    Last edited by Moosey on Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 209
    Join date : 2010-01-28

    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application . Empty Re: Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .

    Post by Azure Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:47 pm

    nice apply here moosey ^^ ur up against hotranger for head mod IF i get premote.

    Posts : 180
    Join date : 2010-01-27

    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application . Empty Re: Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .

    Post by Moosey Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:35 pm

    Thank you .

    Posts : 166
    Join date : 2010-01-28
    Age : 27
    Location : Queensland, Australia

    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application . Empty Re: Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .

    Post by hotranger02 Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:47 pm

    Lol i should say the same you said Razz. But you couldn't of been a member of staff for a week cause you only got premotede Razz. Good luck anywayz.

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    Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application . Empty Re: Moosey's Head-Mod/Admin Application .

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