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Where Pkers, Have fun!

    my apply for moderator.

    omg u s4f3r

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-12-03

    my apply for moderator. Empty my apply for moderator.

    Post by omg u s4f3r Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:59 pm

    .Your name on server- 0mg u s4f3r
    2. Why do you want to be a moderator? -i want to be a moderator to help the server
    3. What have you done on Club Shadow to make it better? -i got much ideas for the server
    4. What can you do with moderator powers? - i can tell owner about ideas i dont mute without reason
    5. Have you ever been Mod or Admin on any other servers? - yes in 4 servers that are down
    6. If you have, Name their IP to their server, or give their MSN of the server owners: no i dont have
    7. Who would recommend you to become a mod, post their name(s) here. -i dunno
    8. Have you ever broken a rule? -no,i dont even breaked a rule of this server
    9. If you have state it here (or skip step if you haven't). -i am high-donator actually

    10. How many hours are you on a day? - i am on 2-9 pm (U.S.A time.)

    11. Will you be active on my forums? - i am active on forums after the school.

    12. Please state your msn/aim/ or yahoo messanger so i can talk to you -
    13. What you can do as a moderator (2paraghraps or 8 sentences+)- i will help server voting every day helping admins and daniel(owner) with my ideas like appear in hot ventor at ::pits when die and i will respect all staff like pat,l2pk_plox,merkage,etc.
    14. Do you own a server or owned one? -no sorry i dont own a server or owned one.
    15. If you have put ip here -
    16. How old are you? -i am 13years old
    17. How long have you been playing the server for? -1month i think.
    18. Have you met the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for moderator? -.i dunno what it is but i think yes

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